Saturday, November 3, 2012

Holiday Traditions

Every year 4 generations go on a "Holiday Hop Shop". Its  a scenic drive in Rural Idaho about 27 miles one way so not far but time for leisure. We start in the morning and talk and drive. The first stop is WagonHammer Campground- inside their little store turns into a holiday wonderland. We always get #4 ornament their and #2 small gift. #2 always gets #4 gift. The style is western and bold eclectic. Fits. :). This hat #4 is wearing is her gift. She is cheating wearing it now. But she always convinces #2 she will wrap it back up. :) :) ( I remember her at age four telling #2 "My mama always gives me hot chocolate before bed." Took a week before she called on that one, :))
Next is a little handmade shop. Fun to see the different ideas and styles. Then my friends joined the tour this year opening up a house to show off their beautiful mixed media art and fused glass. I bought a brilliant red fused glass ornament. On to Gibbonsville  their is a custom knife shop. Then the "Broken Arrow" cafe is serving lunch and gifts to buy on all the perimeter tables and some vendors as well. We haven't ate dinner their due to its always so packed. But does smell wonderful. We journey back to North Fork Cafe and have lunch their every year. We discuss what we saw, what we like, what was odd. But most of all we spend time together. In a car with no phone service. It's funny when you talk several times a week how much there is still to say. All though I think most of our conversations are memories. And as we share them the other generations became familiar and the stories will go on. I think it is these moments I will probably remember more than what gifts I got.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Working Hands

My hands. This is the hand of a ranchers wife. Beautiful only to the husband. Because only he knows how much free work he gets from them! :) :) :) Tis the grease or the hammer that gives them their special look!

Monday, August 20, 2012


As kittens are emerging from the safety of their birth place, they are named one by one. The husband names this little guy "Groucho". Only the old would understand this :). It was a weekend of Grandbabies. Each claiming a kitten or two for their own. They will stay here at Nanas & Papas and await their return. So my youngest little man repeatedly came to me "Nana what is this mustache kitties name again?" So cute was his earnest question. Determined to get it right. So with a great smile I told him " His name is Mustache!" My little man had a huge smile. " I said it right huh Nana" Of course my little man!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I believe my first yellow infatuation came from Dandelions. The bright cheery color of YELLOW! It might have been the utter excitement my Mom showed when the dandelions appeared in spring. I would be so excited to pick her a bouquet and she in turn loved it. I remember with horror when our neighbor would spray chemicals to kill them. Now years later I sit and look at them. I find them just as enchanting as then. They signal spring is here and the smells of fresh air and the sound of the buzzin bees. The bracelets I used to make for my little sisters out of them, rubbing them on my little brothers nose so it would turn yellow. I guess it was my introduction to nature and color and art. Then as they would die the fairy wishes would blow away with your wishes and grow again. Oh the sweet memories of childhood! I can smell the spring now as it was then. Happy Mothers Day to my inspiration and teacher of beauty. Even a weed is beautiful. Self preservation. Yellow!!!!!!

Branding Day

This year with our son out of town and the husband healing from shoulder surgery the branding would have been trying at its best. But with the help of family and friends it was a good day. The morning though cold warmed as we worked. Then as we wrapped up the work and laid out the food, here comes the snow!!!!!!!!!!

What a fun day actually. The fire pit roaring with a fire and roasting marshmallows in the snow! Fishing in between clouds bursts and warming our buns on the flip. Oh you got to love love love spring time in the rockies. Our daughter and the husband made Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Smoked Deviled Eggs, Smoked Turkey, Salad and Chocolate, Chocolate Cake Brownies!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As I began to post to let the world in on my life the moments or picturesque views I experienced, I started different blogs for duel lives. I enjoyed my artsy and sorrowful moments with one audience and my ranching moments with nature, beauty and hard work with another. It was as though I couldn't decide who I was so I didn't want you to decide for me. I couldn't let you have the whole picture. I wanted a small crack in the door no more. But as life is at its best, the moment you go from comfort to challenge the very fears you possess deep inside you. To decide who you are, what makes you and how you want the world to view you. As I looked at my ever changing life I realized I don't really have a label, I have an ingredient list.  It was that moment when my descriptive motto became " My Eclectic, Artsy Life as a Ranchers Wife". So as of this I shall have the door wide open and share in all things that make life life.